Try one of our general databases to start your initial search. If you have a more subject-specific search that needs to be done, you can branch out from there. Try starting with EBSCO Host, which you can access through the databases page on the library's webpage. When you enter into EbscoHost, click on EbschoHost Web (first link on the page). Once you get to the Databases by Subject page, choose the most relevant one and either check the box, and click continue, or click the subject again to get to the search page. You can enter your search term into the search box. Go ahead and make sure Full-Text and Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals are selected, and hit search.
You may also go into the advanced search and enter multiple search terms. Through advanced search, you can also narrow what your term searches (Subject, etc.). In your search results, you can always narrow by subject and other limitors found in the left-hand panel next to your search returns.